
Finance department



The professors in ESSEC’s Finance Department undertake three primary missions: to conduct cutting-edge academic research; to impart their knowledge to students; and to analyze concrete financial challenges in order to advise companies and financial institutions. Their consistent contributions to renowned academic journals attest to their expertise. 

The expertise of the professors from the Finance Department covers a wide range of key areas in finance: financial assets; derivatives; risk management; commodities; asset and wealth management; microfinance; market microstructure; mergers and acquisitions; private equity; corporate governance; real estate finance and corporate bankruptcy; and financial econometrics.
Grouped under the umbrella of the Finance Department, these researchers pursue three objectives:

  • To contribute to basic and applied academic research according to the highest international standards;
  • To participate in the dissemination of knowledge to students in full-time education (BA, MA and PhD) and participants in continuing education;
  • To study concrete financial problems and provide guidance for companies and financial institutions

Their research is regularly published in the most prestigious finance journals, such as: Journal of Finance; Review of Financial Studies; Journal of Financial Economics; Review of Finance; and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Contact: Prof. François Longin - Head of the Finance Department

In collaboration with ESSEC’s research center, CERESSEC, the department hosts regular research seminars during which guests present and analyze the most recent theoretical and empirical research in the field of finance.

Finance research seminar schedule

Contact: Prof. Laurent Bach – Seminar Coordinator

The doctoral program in finance guides and shapes innovative researchers capable of producing high quality research in finance. In order to achieve this, you, as students, have the responsibility of developing a thorough understanding of contemporary finance and related
fields. You are to acquire and demonstrate these skills through the successful completion of compulsory courses and a final exam. In the second year, you will demonstrate these skills through the production of original research through a dissertation and thesis.

PhD Program - Finance specialization

Contact: Prof. Laurent Bach – Head of “Finance” specialization of PhD program

The ESSEC-Amundi Chair in Asset & Risk Management aims to:

  • promote academic research in the field of asset and risk management, in particular in the area of ESG investments, as well as to strengthen cooperation between ESSEC and Amundi researchers;

  • offer a series of research seminars for Amundi's collaborators and institutional clients;

  • host an annual conference and a series of webinars on the themes developed by the Chair;

  • publish a series of research letters on ESG;

  • offer academic and financial support to ESSEC PhD Finance students who wish to pursue a PhD in Finance and work on one of the Chair's areas of interest;

  • offer PhD scholarships to ESSEC Finance students.

ESSEC-Amundi Chair

Contact: Prof. Jocelyn Martel - Head of the ESSEC-Amundi Chair

students working

The Finance Department offers a wide range of courses across ESSEC's different programs.

Vegan Finance webinars: This series of webinars is designed for a wide audience, both from the financial and non-financial sectors, be they academics or professionals.

The annual Vegan Finance Webinar, held in June, focuses on vegan finance and more broadly on animal welfare and environmental concerns.

Contact: Prof. Véronique Buisson – Webinar Coordinator


Within the Master in Management program, the Finance track is geared at students interested in a particular specialization. The program offers six specializations: Corporate Finance; Market Finance; Energy & Commodities (Paris-Cergy campus); Market Finance; Corporate Finance; and Fintech (Singapore

Contact: Francis Declerck- Head of Finance Track


The “Shaping the Future of Finance” Chair is an academic project designed to complement the Finance Department's offer. The Chair provides a transversal vision of the forces shaping the future of the world of finance. The Chair takes a particular look at the issues of sustainable finance and responsible leadership which lie at the heart of ESSEC's values and pioneering spirit.

Contact: Francis Declerck & Sofia Ramos – Co-Chairholders of the "Shaping the Future of Finance" Chair


The Master in Finance, that boasts official recognition by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, is ranked among the world's top five Masters in Finance by the Financial Times. The program lasts from one to two years and offers three specialized tracks: Corporate Finance, Market Finance, and Fintech. The program begins in September every year, and students can enroll either on our Paris-Cergy or Singapore campus.

The Master's program offers a rich and demanding academic experience, and effectively prepares you for the world of work, namely through interview preparation seminars, professional conferences and networking events. Graduates of the Master’s program usually embark on careers in investment banking, mergers and acquisitions, or asset management.

Contact: Romain Boulland - Head of Master in Finance


On the ESSEC Executive Education campus in Paris-La Défense, the professors of the Finance Department are involved in various inter-company or intra-company executive programs.

Contact: Prof. François Longin - Head of the Finance Department


Meet the entire Department of Economics faculty:

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